Internet Safety One - Website evaluation

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Internet Safety
Using reliable sources

The purpose of this activity is to help students identify reliable web sources.




image of the words step one

View the Power Point
We will do this in class, but here it is again.

Power Point Link

Get into groups of two to four and use the evaluation rubric to identify the value and reliability of at least three web sites.

Evaluation rubric link




These are files to help you as you create this portfolio.



Image of the words step two

Safety on the web

The web is little like a car in that it can take you wonderful places, but it can also lead to ruin and despair.

Here is a quick list of things to NEVER do on the web:

  • Provide personal information to prove who you are. Real providers will do the opposite - they will prove who they are to you.
  • Provide information about where you will be to any anonymous posting service.
  • Post personal photos to any anonymouse posting service.
  • Respond to threats.
  • Respond to any pornographic email. Report any of this material to your parents and the police immediately.
  • Believe that what you post on Facebook is secure. It is not.






These are files to help you as you create this portfolio.



Image of the words step three