Portfolio One- Printed Material

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Portfolio One
APA formatting


Part I. The report

You will need to create a report in the format as shown. Your report will need to include the following:

  • 1" margins all around
  • Correctly formatted title page
  • Each paragraph shall be first line indented .5"
  • Two uses of block quotes
  • Automatic page numbers
  • A table or graph with a caption- you will need to create your table or graph. It should be a timeline of the building and destrution of Alexandria, Egypt. Use five to eight dates to define your timeline. You may be creative, but the table or graph should not be particularly artistic. See the helps under support files.
  • A section header
  • A running header
  • You do not need to include an abstract.

Note! This is an excercise in formatting not report writing. You can use the text I will provide and it will not be plagiarism.


When you are done with this part of the portfolio, save it to your H drive, have a class member or partner proof it against the rubric and move on to Part II.

  • Familiarity with the paragraph menu
  • Auto page numbering
  • Document formatting
  • Automatic numbering
  • Table attributes
  • Graphic importing
  • Text formatting and positioning
  • Cut, paste, and insert commands and when to use each

These are files to help you as you create this portfolio.

Report text

Sample guidelines for APA formatting
Take special note of pages 5-7

This is an excellent youtube video about how to begin the formatting for your document.

Here is a great youtube video about how to format a table.

Tutorial about how to create a timeline This one may be a little tricky, but you can work through it.

Another tutorial about how to create a timeline within Word. If you are stuck, I suggest you start with this one. 

Here is a great site for information and dates about Alexandria.

Look here for example of how to format the report copy, block quotes, and references.