Project of your choice

Second is your personal project


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Part I.
The final format

This will be a presentation, brochure, Power Point, or web site about an activity of your choosing. This must be about an authentic activity – something that has or will actually happen. This would be a great place to make a family Christmas gift! Think digital photo albums with captions, a slide show, a family web site, a club activity – there are plenty of ideas out there.

Again, start gathering your materials. Save them into a folder on H drive and flash drive called Individual Project.

You need to gather pictures and start writing the copy. You may choose to use the same topic you did for your newsletter. However, this project will be a great deal more extensive.

What this project is not:

It is not a basic printed report!
It must include non-text media. That means photos, links, video, audio - you get the idea.

It must be authentic. That means YOU are part of this story. It is not a remote, detached thing that means nothing to you. This must be about something in which you are involved.


You will be using all the skills - and probably a few more - that you have learned in class thus far.


These are files to help you as you create this portfolio.

If you are looking for topic ideas for your project, you could try one of these:

Small acts of courage around me
Raising a garden in eastern Idaho
Martial arts
A history of my club or organization
Family Christmas newsletter
A slide show about our family
Helping correct a community problem
What I would like to change at my school, in my neighborhood, etc.
How to make our community more safe
An experiment I would like to send to NASA
Wildlife of eastern Idaho
Hiking, fishing, hunting, or other outdoor recreation opportunities in eastern Idaho
Ghost towns within 50 miles of where I live
What happens at the INL
A tour of a nearby popular travel destination - Craters of the Moon, Yellowstone, Grand Teton National Park, the Sawtooths, the White Clouds, Bone, etc.
Why is the Snake River so important to Idaho?
Early people in the Snake River plain?
Artifacts at the Natural History Museum or the Museum of Idaho.
The history of the Simplot company
What is the history of agriculture in eastern Idaho? Why potatoes? Why grain?
My family’s recent trip to _____________
The life history of a famous member of my family.
The life history of a non-famous member of my family.
What was life like for my great-grandparents?
Heroes I have known.
The Minidoka water project and how it affects us today?
The story of Idaho’s first and only assassinated governor.
What did it take to build the Snake River Canal? Why is it still so important today?
What’s up with the water down there? The Snake River Aquifer today.
The history of a veteran I know.
How my parents started their business.
A digital scrapbook of our family's ______________

Part II.
Planning your project

Start with the planning checklist. Fill it out completely and use it.

Project planning checklist

SAVE it to your H Drive. You will be required to submit this as part of your evaluation.

Make sure you clearly define the roles for each member of the group. If you are working alone, define your personal role quite clearly.

Projects that include multiple team members will be required to be more inclusive and detailed than projects with one member.


  • Make sure you are creating an original project!



Here are some handy tips for re-sizing photos:

You'll notice we're only going to talk about width here. Trust me, it's the most important measurement.

Photo depth will usually take care of itself.


If you are going to print your file, measure the width and multiply that number by 180 dpi.

No, it won't work to expand a small file. You need to start with enough pixels.

If you are going to put your file on a web display - such as a Power Point or web page, you can be a little less precise. Your file should be the width of the desired image X 96 dpi.

When building a web site, it's important to keep the size of your photo very close to the actual size it will be on the page because it will help with load times and just make the page display more clearly.                             



  These are files to help you as you create this portfolio.



Evaluation Form

Here is a copy of the evaluation form for this project.

Dear project evaluator,

This student has chosen you to evaluate a project of their choosing from my Computer Skills class at Hobbs Middle School. Please evaluate their project against the standards below.

Does this project show student passion for the subject?

Please indicate with a score of 1 – 38, with 38 being the maximum.


Does this project accurately reflect student understanding of the subject?

Please indicate with a score of 1 – 18, with 18 being the maximum.


Was this project easy for you to access and use?

Please indicate with a score of 1 – 18, with 18 being the maximum.

Please complete the information below and return this card to the student.

For the student – Indicate the name of the H Drive where the Project Planning Checklist is located.

Thank you for your time!

Mr. Robbins

Student(s) Name

Evaluator Name

Evaluator Signature